Are you ready to become a top 1% entrepreneur and create a lot of aligned profit?


Does this sound like you?

  • You’re hustling like crazy (with hours you seriously DON’T have) and yet you’re still not seeing an increase in profit… or no profit at all.

  • You trust your accountant with your numbers but you still don’t understand why your numbers look the way they do.

  • Your revenue is amazing but it feels like you don’t take that much cash home.

  • You love designing the vision for your company but despise reading financial statements.

  • You try to understand the finances but you want content that is less wordy and more informative.

  • You have tried many strategies but you just want solutions that will work, now.


If any of these resonate with you, you’re in the right place.


You’ve tried everything.

You’ve read finance books. You’ve stalked your favourite entrepreneurs. But nothing is sticking.

You’ve read the blogs and eBooks about how to improve your bottom line but you feel more confused than ever, trying to piece together how to run your business on your own, with no help.

You wish someone would just take you by the hand and guide you through each step in order, and that you had a way you could just ask questions when you need to.


Imagine what it will feel like when you’ve MASTERED business finance and finally have the profit you’ve been waiting for!

Imagine what you’re going to feel like once you’ve cut out unnecessary spending, figured out how to pull the right levers in your business, have a money mindset that sets you up for success, log into your accounting software with a feeling of relief.

  • Maybe you only look at your numbers 15 minutes a month

  • You get to relax at the end of the day without worrying about your cash flow

  • Your friends and family tell you that you seem so much calmer and confident


You’re ready to take your business to the next level, but you’ve got a lot of questions!

Is this really going to work?

Finance just isn’t my thing, how can I really grow my business?

It all seems really hard and I don’t have a place to follow.

I know, there can be a lot of questions and confusion if you’re a first time entrepreneur. If you don’t have a plan or a mentor, it can be easy to make some critical mistakes, get off track, and never move the needle in your finances. Without guidance and support, it can be difficult to make any progress at all!

That is why I created the 90 Day Profit Sprint.


Introducing the

90 Day Profit Sprint

90 days of coaching with diana where you’ll transform your relationship to business finance, increase your bottom line & run your business like a chief financial entrepreneur.

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“ $100 000 in one hour.

That's how much profit Diana unlocked in one of our client's businesses by using her signature system for profit analysis

  • Chantelle Bruinsma, Studio Expansion

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My Finance intensive with Diana inspired me to make immediate changes to my financial procedures and reporting, so that I finally had a clear and accurate view of things at all times. I found myself being ‘honest’ about my numbers, and she helped me see that the picture was much rosier than I had been imagining ”

  • Amanda Jane Delaney, Wellness Entrepreneurs


My favourite part, now as an owner, there’s demarcation between owners salary for working in the business and profit disbursements as a reward for owning the business

  • Amanda Bond, The Ad Strategist


You are 90 Days away from a completely new outlook.


Month 1


  • 2 + hours of analysis of your business and financials

  • 2 hour call strategizing your business' profit plan 

  • an implementation plan for you and your team 

  • a personalized template for your monthly "CFO report"


Month 2


  • Check in on implementation plan

  • We enrol the implementer in the new financial vision and action plan

  • 2 hour call with the entrepreneur and the implementer to overcome any roadblocks

  • Financial analysis of CFO report 


Month 3


  • Follow up 2 hour up level call with the entrepreneur and the implementer

  • Analysis of changes and results 

  • Finance and profit plan going forward

  • Be self-sufficient by the end of the 90 days


Plus unlimited email support from Diana to support you along the way.


Your journey to becoming a

Chief Financial Entrepreneur

starts now with a

$10,000 Investment.

Initial deposit of $2,000 paid before initial phone call

remaining $8,000 PAYABLE in months 2 & 3